Wednesday, May 21, 2008


When something so tremendous happened,

you won't bear much grudges , really

quoting (sandee,2008) 'I shall hold my breath and see them in a different light.'

natural disaster is cruel

if god had witness the devastated survivors ,would he stopped this painful lesson at all cause?

I wonder?

But now,

controversial aftermath can bring nuthing back

its a heavy price to understand the world care and the significant of unity.

we can only reflect on any mistakes

pray for the souls and bless the families

四川加油! 中国加油!奥运加油!

千山万水 - 周杰伦

作词: 方文山 作曲:周杰伦

千山万水 无数黑夜 等一轮明月
梦的边陲 风吹不灭 从不感疲惫
东方无愧 第一是谁 让我们追求完美
我态度坚决 面朝北 平地一声雷
做好准备 这一回 起跑后绝不撤退
痛快一起 努力的感觉
我们拥有 同样的机会
梦想挟带眼泪 咸咸的汗水
你我同个世界 爱从中穿越
梦与希望在飞 我向前去追
有目标就不累 等着我超越
(京腔:)超越 千山万水 无数黑夜 一轮明月
梦的边陲 风吹不灭 从不感疲惫
东方无愧 第一是谁 我追求完美
态度坚决 面朝北 平地一声雷
东方无愧 第一是谁 让我们追求完美
我态度坚决 面朝北 平地一声雷
做好准备 这一回 起跑后绝不撤退
痛快一起 努力的感觉
我们拥有 同样的机会
梦想挟带眼泪 咸咸的汗水
你我同个世界 爱从中穿越
梦与希望在飞 我向前去追
有目标就不累 等着我超越
梦想挟带眼泪 咸咸的汗水
你我同个世界 爱从中穿越
梦与希望在飞 我向前去追
有目标就不累 等着我超越
远远抛开一切 过千山万水

The two freaking talented human.....

Friday, May 16, 2008

林宥嘉 神秘嘉賓

神秘嘉賓 - 林宥嘉
曲:鄭楠 詞:陳信延

我踩著夢的階梯 走進了 一座迷霧森林
誰的心事 被天使竊聽 泛起漣漪

時間它幫我設計 下一秒 誰是神秘嘉賓
小心翼翼 揭開了面具 掌聲鼓勵

誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心

我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影

妳按了我的門鈴 我終於 從呵欠中甦醒
緊張兮兮 對妳說一句 歡迎光臨

全場觀眾都離席 剩下我 還在原地尋覓
耳邊聽著 謝幕的歌曲 走不出去

誰闖進我的場地 誰讓我措手不及
我早就預備的劇情 妳卻給我一筆
狡猾地 致命地正中我紅心

我跟誰變得親密 誰逐漸離我遠去
華麗演出共襄盛舉 唯有妳的背影

我搬到誰的隔壁 誰成了我的鄰居
鳴謝生命有妳參與 笑納我的邀請
曲終人散卻寫下不會結束 的結局

I was at Tea etc. buying my favourite Yuan yang the other day when the taiwanese played this song through the radio. For a moment i wanted to scream to someone! 宥嘉's new song LEHHhh!

You realise how much you love something when you miss it for such a long time.

You don;t have to see him to know his voice, thats the power mannn....(cries)

'hearting' 宥嘉's voice like so much.

星光一is uncomparable!!

its one album that i can part 20 bucks without much pain.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

For a moment

bun thought Australia's weather was such a complimentary that any bacteria attacking her will rebound.

karma has it's way with the ideal moment to strike

bun is declared sick.

she is absolutly killing trees with her tissue usage

and she has two exams coming her way.

*skips around madly

my textbooks are luring me to sleep


the growl of my stomach is seducing me to feast.